
Techniques that cherry blossom blooms in winter is very simple and easy .
Maybe can all the people. next pictures are jobs,

枝の切り方 彩久作 2002・11・28 how to cut Saiqsaku.

枝調整 2002.11.29 cultivation

啓翁桜の園地 ただ植えているだけです。春は自分で花見をします。
さくらんぼの近くにあっても受粉樹にはほとんどなりません、余禄を期待してもだめです。(「種間交雑によるさくら属植物(Prunus spp.)の新種開発に関する育種学的研究」 山形大学 鈴木洋 先生 P11 Fig4 pollengermination and fruit set in the interspecific crossing.)

参考(山形県園芸試験場1989.8 第4報)
Cut a shoots that has many flower bud.
This picture is after cutting.


Bundle 10 shoots after choosed shoots.

One of choosed shoots .

In a warm glass room , did bandle shoots is in tab with 10cm water.
in this picture right cherry bossom that is another kind of keiohzakura.
left one is Qsaku selected one.
but attention. Qsaku selected Keiohzakura is difficult for standard Keiohzakura in Flower center Ofune botanical garden in morphorogy.

Bloom mume by same job.
Many shoots
but not bloom all kinds of shoots bloom in warm room. and anther kind one is another temperatuer.
Keiohzakura fit 17-20℃.
Now in high temperatuer flower be white ,soon bloom ,be little.
and in low temperatuer flower be pink ,later bloom, with leaf.   

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